22 October 2010

i feel reassured

Since 2003 a lot has changed in Hong Kong and everything that can be touched by humans seems to be sterilized . I like it when the place a clear sheet over elevator buttons and tell the user that it will be replaced every hour. Really ? How would I know if it is the same sheet or not ? Perhaps they should number the sheets from 1/9 to 9/9 (according to working hours). And how long does sterilization last in frequent use ?
Exactly an hour before it fades off. If there are 10 people working on 25/th floor and 200 people on the 10th
floor, are those on the 25th floor safer because their elevator button is being used less ?


  1. Yes I have often wondered too. Am not following your maths as you know when someone starts spewing numbers my mind ceases to function like as if someone emptied a bottle of absinthe in it - but yes...thus I never use the tip of my finger to touch the button but my knuckles instead.

  2. well, you are smarter. i am usually staying inside the elevator going up and down until someone presses the button of my floor for me.
