25 October 2010

Forget this Damien Hirst...because India just gave birth to another!

It seems artists these days need to find a UGP - aka 'unique gimmick proposition ' (think Warhol making silk screens of Campbell soup thereby turning the everyday object into a prized commodity by using mass reproduction methods and thereby also retaining it's plebian-ness) and then create art around that core UGP that makes them 'them'. PJ



  1. it's a 'can head'. At least they considered recycling

  2. Well when he uses cow dung he's certainly availing of recycling - but not when he uses brand new kitchen utensils (I believe Hirst has already done something like this)...in India and China these days I notice they love to mock the mocker...that's a new type of recycling I guess! PJ
