22 October 2010

female fractality

came across this white paper where facial beauty can be defined by mathematics, or more specific, fractal geometry (J. Schmidhuber, IDSIA, Lugano,1998) - basically applying a more modern set of rules to facial geometry with reference to L.d.Vinci or Duerer. http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/locoface/newlocoface.html
I didn't bother to read through all the text, but i can imagine the sheer excitement in a scientists head being able to apply his logic and set of rules to create what he considers the 'perfect woman' (as the pic on top).
While I prefer to use common sense and personal taste to be attracted I must say he's done pretty well.


  1. Bloody hell...firstly concept of a perfect woman, funny in itself. Why doesn't the male scientist do a perfect man first! And her face looks too flat. There.

  2. perhaps they need more female scientists to make the perfect male ;)
