24 February 2011

has fashion design lost it's plot ?

I must admit that i do not really follow reports of fashion events and my awareness of the latest fashion trends or the hippest new look is rather rudimentary, but one recent event - London Fashion Week - stuck in my mind as pictures of one specific show, that of Charlie Le Mindu, where published in any possible web magazine (above). Models were nude or semi-nude, some covered in fake blood, others wearing gas masks, etc. I mean... REALLY ??!! I am sure this show was meant as a joke or sarcastic jibe at the mostly overrated and overexposed fashion industry, because no designer can seriously think of this as design. Besides the rather obvious shock 'value' (Yawn... so new..... NOT), I could not see any other value in this as much as I looked at it from different angles. But hey... in our superficial world even fashion butchers as this Mr. Le Mindu will have their minute of fame, talent or not. And I contributed.... sigh . AJ

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely ridiculous. Disappointed the cat walk wasn´t held in a butchers market, it could have added to the context of blood and gore.
