20 April 2011

another reason not to...

.. get iPhones. The map above shows tracking points of an individual user in a city - meaning the phone knows exactly where this user is located at any given time. This - in principle - is not new, but it is clear also that Apple, whether they may deny it or not, will eventually benefit even more from each owner of an iPhone.
They will get information on any W-Lan hotspot not yet on their list, get your location in real time and obviously can sell this info to any third party without your knowledge. If this is not invasion of privacy then I don't know what it is and 'Big brother' should be called 'Brother Steve' . There's no way I'll be contributing to their shadowy tactics. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/apr/20/iphone-tracking-prompts-privacy-fears

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